I am NOT a heavily motivated guy. Well, I say that, and then when I’m around what you would call “non-motivated people” I want to burn them alive.

Get Off The F&cking Island:

I want you to imagine that you’ve been recently stranded on an island with 20 other people. It goes without saying that each person will have a different mindset when they’re faced with this type of situation, and maybe comparing a situation where people are dying or starving to death with corporate America isn’t really the best thing. Well, I’m going to do it anyway because this is my article.

  • The Giveuppers: roughly 50% of the people will give up within the first few days. I was talking to my wife once when we were watching “The Walking Dead” and she said, “If this ever happens, just kill me”. My wife has run marathons, birthed our two kids without pain meds, and deals with me way more than she has to…she’s not a pushover. Some people just don’t have it in them…whatever “it” is. These are people that take the path of least resistance. They don’t grind…it’s not because they’re lazy, it’s just because they don’t have “it” in them.
  • The Survivors: A smaller segment of the people will be committed to finding the basics: Food, Water, and Shelter. Sure, the likelihood of them Tom Hanks-ing it for 7 years is slim-to-none, but they didn’t just roll over and give up.
  • The Get Off The Islanders: The last and smallest segment will be a blend of Survivor, but they’ll also have another gear to them. Not only will they have food, water, and shelter – or do their best trying to find it, they’re not going to be ok with just being on the island. We make plans to get off the fucking island.

In my previous life, I found it very hard to be motivated. In the company I was in, if I worked really hard, or very little – it always posed the same outcome. So, I became complacent. When things changed for me and I started over, motivation wasn’t just another gear I was hoping to run into, it was vital. Here are some notes I had about it.

When things changed for me and I started over, motivation wasn’t just another gear I was hoping to run into, it was vital.

🚀 Motivation: It’s All in the Mindset

Listen up, folks – motivation ain’t some elusive creature you can only catch on a rare full moon. It’s not a magical spell or a secret recipe. It’s all about your mindset, that mental switch that flips when you decide, “Hey, I’m gonna crush it today.” It’s about visualizing success, feeling that fire in your gut, and saying, “Hell yeah, I got this.”

🧠 Hack Your Brain, Unleash the Beast

Ever notice how your motivation seems to magically wane when you’re doing something that bores the life out of you? It’s like your brain’s anti-motivation defense system kicks in. But guess what? You can hack your brain’s programming. Find what drives you, what makes you feel alive, and dive headfirst into that. Whether it’s learning a new skill, tackling a challenge, or just embracing the chaos – that’s where the real magic happens.

🔥 Embrace the Struggle, Embrace the Growth

Look, nobody ever built a chiseled physique or a killer business empire by coasting through life. The secret sauce is struggle. Yeah, that’s right. Embrace the tough times, the failures, the moments that make you doubt yourself. ‘Cause that’s where the growth happens. When you fight through adversity, you come out the other side with muscles – not just in your body, but in your character.

💪 Feed Your Passion Monster

Think about what gets your heart racing, your brain firing, and your energy levels off the charts. Whether it’s hitting the gym, painting, coding, or just making people laugh – that’s your passion monster roaring to be fed. When you channel that passion into action, motivation is like a rocket booster strapped to your back. Suddenly, the grind feels like an adventure.

🌅 Goal Setting: Be the Architect of Your Dreams

Alright, here’s the deal – you can’t hit a target if you don’t know what you’re aiming at. Set some goals, not those lame, half-hearted ones, but the ones that make your eyes light up. Write ’em down, visualize ’em, taste ’em. Goals give you direction, a North Star in the chaos of life. And when you start ticking ’em off, that feeling of accomplishment is like a shot of adrenaline.

🛌 Break Free from Comfort Zones

Comfort zones are like quicksand for motivation. You stay in one spot for too long, and before you know it, you’re sinking into mediocrity. Step out of that comfort zone, even if it’s just a toe at first. That’s where growth happens, where new experiences ignite your motivation furnace, and where you discover what you’re truly capable of.

🎉 In the End, It’s Your Call

Remember, my friends, motivation isn’t a one-time thing. It’s a lifelong dance with your own potential. You’re the DJ, and it’s your job to play the tunes that get you moving. So, crank up that mental volume, find what sparks your soul, and get after it. Whether it’s fighting in the octagon of life or chasing your wildest dreams, motivation is the spark that lights your path.

Stay motivated, stay curious, and remember – the journey’s the adventure, not the destination.


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